Adult Programs

Adult leaders don't have to sit on the sidelines and watch their Scouts have all the fun. Woodruff offers a number of opportunities for adult leaders while in camp including training, teaching, challenges and fun!
Class registration for the training courses indicated open at the same time, and in the same place, as the Merit Badge registration. Please see the Program Guide for the specific date and time of your scheduled week.
While we want you to spend as much time as possible with your Scouts at camp, we have some special morning activities just for adults while your scouts are in their instructional periods. Every day has a new adventure and no advance sign up is necessary. Pick an old favorite or try something new, adults get to play at Woodruff too. Planned morning adult activities include adult team stand up paddleboarding, a Mack Mountain hike, sporting arrows and more.
For your enjoyment and the benefit of your Scouts, a variety of adult training programs are offered during your week here. Class registration opens at the same time and in the same place as the merit badge registration.
Leader Specific Training and Troop Committee Challenge
Tuesday (9:30 AM - 12:30PM) at Nunn Training Building
No Fee (Register online before camp)
The course is intended to provide troop leadership with the information and tools they need to lead successful Scouts BSA Troops. It is part of the BSA's required Basic Training for Scouts BSA Adult Leaders along with Youth Protection Training, Hazardous Weather Training, and IOLS. Committee functions and duties will be explored. Credit for both courses will be given to participants. Committee members are not required to take IOLS but it is recommended.
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
Monday (9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, 2 PM-5 :00 PM) & Wednesday (9:30 AM – 5:00 PM) at Nunn Training Building
$10 per participant (Register online before camp)
Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the outdoors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. Along with Scoutmaster Specific this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Scouts BSA Troops to be considered “trained”.
Wilderness First Aid through Red Cross
Planning a trip to the back country where a 911 call cannot get through, or where rescue may be hours away? Going to Philmont, Northern Tier, or Sea Base? Hiking the Appalachian Trail with your Troop or Crew? You might find yourself in a situation requiring not only first aid, but also care until evacuation or rescue. Take your standard first aid skills to a higher level. Woodruff Scout Camp provides the opportunity for this training.
This is a course developed by the American Red Cross (ARC) and is taught by scout leaders who are certified ARC instructors. Participants, who complete all course requirements, receive a two-year ARC certification. The course requires that all participants complete 16 hours of training that include classroom and outdoor sessions and be CPR certified. Some homework will also be required which can be completed during down time at camp. This course is open to all adult leaders.
- Participants must attend all sessions as described for the entire time
- All participants must hold current adult CPR/AED certification.*
- All participants must have their own email address. If you have any other type of certification with the American Red Cross, it is suggested you use that email address for this course. The ARC uses the email as a unique identifier.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM) at Cabin I - across the bridge from the Nature Lodge CPR needed to complete this course
$85 Fee includes course materials (Register online before camp)
The Atlanta Area Council accepts only CPR/AED certificates from the American Red Cross (ARC) or the American Heart Association (AHA). Online courses do not qualify, you must attend and pass a live session for Adult CPR/AED.
If you do not have a valid CPR certificate at the time of the class, you may register for the adult CPR class to be held at Woodruff Camp. See description above.
BSA Lifeguard
All week (Full-Day Sessions) at the Aquatics Area. Monday through Friday periods 1 -4 each day.
Requires CPR for the Professional Rescuer (Completed during or prior to camp) (Register online before camp).
BSA Lifeguard is a three-year training designation awarded to participants who meet prescribed requirements in aquatics skills, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, first aid, and emergency action.
Participants are able to take an afternoon off to attend a river trip with their unit. Please contact the Camp Admin to schedule the river time.
BSA Aquatics Supervision: Water Rescue
Tuesday & Wednesday (9:30 AM - 12:30 AM) at the Aquatics Area
No Fee (Register online before camp)
Water Rescue provides BSA leaders with information and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to swimming emergencies during unit swimming activities. It expands the awareness instruction provided by Safe Swim Defense training to include basic water rescue skills.
BSA Aquatics Supervision: Paddle Craft Safety
Tuesday & Wednesday (2:00 PM - 4:45 PM) at the Aquatics Area
No Fee (Register online before camp)
Paddle Craft Safety expands on Safety Afloat training to include the basic skills and knowledge needed for a unit leader to confidently assess his or her ability to supervise float trips using canoes or kayaks.
Cast Iron Chef
Tuesday (10:30 AM - 12:30 PM) at Kendell Crossing
$10 per participant (Register online before camp)
Building a High Adventure Program in your Troop - Free
Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30. Taught at the Nunn Building near the Main Pavilion.
No Fee (Register online before camp)
Tree Identification Walk - Free
Tuesday (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM). Meet at Donnell Nature Lodge - Open to Scouts too!
Do you have a heart for serving while at camp? There are a number of opportunities at Woodruff. Assist as a camp commissioner, help in the dining hall, or complete minor repairs during the week.
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